"The Consumer Eye"
Fraud cost consumers $8.8 billion last year, Federal Trade Commission says. That’s up 44% from 2021.
Core Services

"Better to burn-out with your glorious ideas than fade-away!"
Your bright ideas consulted, curated, & "chopped-up" with Consumer Industry Expert Consultants with over 30 years experience in Software, Design, UI/UX blah blah blah... Get the point?! No matter how bright your light bulb is we'll make it shine!

"We got your back!"
Leverage world-wide economies of scale & the power of our experience in Consumer Credit Risk Analysis & Consumer Protection SAAS Systems designed by our global on-shore/off-shore Team Members... Yikes...If you're not sure what this all means then that's why you need our help.

"Rocket man, burning out your fuse up here alone!"
No longer do you have worry about making decisions, project management, implementation, & launch all alone! Now, our Team will help you rock your project launch way into cyber space like Bennie and Jets' Mohaire Suit, Electric Boots, & we gonna launch this thing right baby!